Malapascua for the Time Being

My name is Vicki, and I’ve recently joined the People and the Sea team in Malapascua. For the time being, I’ll be blogging my perspectives as a newby to both the island and the team. As I recently read, “A time being is someone who lives in time, and that means you, and me, and […]
Reflections on a good day…

So, I don’t have an amazing picture and I don’t have an impacting headlines for social medias to get my message viral. But I felt like sharing my day, as I wonder sometimes how I managed to go all this way. It’s a slow day – no diving. But it’s Mohamed’s last day, and saying […]
The Clean-Up and the Aftermath!!

Well, I was right at least! It really was an event! And a large one! And one to be proud of. After the days of preparation that we had put in, it would have been disappointing if the turnout had been only a handful. It also would have meant that the 500 bread snacks and […]
Getting Ready for the Clean-Up!

Who actually thought it would be some much work? Definitely not me! It was a little over two weeks ago that the idea was mentioned. ‘Saturday the 19th is International Coastal Clean-Up Day. Why don’t we organise something?’ Yes, of course, why not? At that time in my head, I imagined sending out some emails […]
Arrival !!

Voilà maintenant 3 semaines que l’équipe de People and the Sea est arrivée sur son site d’étude, l’île de Malapascua. Comme tout début et mise en place de projet, les choses prennent du temps, surtout aux Philippines ! Voici quelques lignes sur les avancements des dernières semaines ainsi que des photos qui, nous sommes sûrs, […]