What we do, and how we do it.

The initiatives we have developed within the local community form the foundation of all our work.

Community Driven Marine Conservation.

This is a critical time for coastal communities. Persistent socio-economic issues means that in many countries they are often among the poorest and most marginalised communities. Here, the Philippines is no expection. It is estimted that 10 million Filipinos rely directly on small scale artisanal fisheries for their livelihood and subsistence.

Looming large is the ever growing threat of climate change and the environmental upheaval it is expected to bring.

Whatever this future brings, we believe that it is these very coastal communities who stand to be among the most dramatically impacted, who are also among the best placed to lead the fight for a more sustainable future. Their unique knowledge of the sea, coupled with their reliance upon it makes them key players in building resilince and finding solutions for coming generations.

Our work impacts over


people each year

Our Programmes

In strategy for engaging with and building partnerships with coastal communities has centred around five core programmes. 

The benefit of each of these is two fold – each of them addresses directly issues faced by the local community.

But critically, each of them also serves to create strong links within the community- robust relationships built on trust. And this is key. With this network established, people are more ready to work alongside one another. Stakeholders – public, private and community – are ready to work togther for meaningful, sustainable outcomes. 






Working alongside coastal communities